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Create smooth transitions on your Instagram videos

June 04, 20243 min read

Instagram videos are a valuable tool for promoting your business. A smooth transition makes this content more attractive. Want to achieve this feat? Follow this tutorial to create smooth transitions on Instagram videos.

Shooting for smooth transitions on Instagram video

Shoot all video sequences in advance. Check framing and lighting for professional content. High-resolution filming gives you more flexibility when editing.

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🎥 Tips for a successful shoot

A good quality video needs stability. Don't forget to use a tripod when shooting. If you hire a videographer, make sure he or she doesn't shake. Establish continuity in each scene: movement, direction and, above all, light.

Then import your sequences into an editing program. Take the script with you and organize the videos according to the timeline. This will also make it easier to set up the transition.

Choosing the right transition

This is a crucial step in creating smooth transitions. There are many types of transition for Instagram videos:

Screen press

This transition is essentially used when you have something to reveal in the next sequence. Simply cover the camera completely with your hand and tap the screen. In the next sequence, place your hand over the lens to reveal the surprise.

Turning the phone

This is the transition known as “phone twirl”. You need to rotate your phone 360 degrees. The transition activated by this rotation seamlessly transitions your video from one sequence to another. It's best used for fast-moving videos.

Hand swipe

The hand swipe is a fun and playful transition idea. It makes the protagonist disappear and reappear. It's similar to the “screen tap” transition: you cover the camera with your hand. Then stop recording and start shooting again with your hand on the camera.

📹 What is a video transition?

A video transition is a set of visual effects that moves from one sequence to another without boring viewers. It defines a change of scene naturally. These visual effects also create aesthetics and expressive emotion. Such is the case with fade-in in trailers.

Hand twist

The hand twist is a transition similar to the hand sweep, but requires two hands. Place wrists together with palms facing the lens. It is filmed in the same way as the two hand transitions. Only, the camera must be held by someone else.

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Shirt change

This is the ideal transition for outfit presentation videos (fitting, preparation...). The transition begins with a small jump. Stop filming, then change outfits and start recording again with a small jump.

💡 Quick tip

Choose the perfect transition for your content. Take into account the video's fluidity and theme. You can also use classic transitions:

  • Sharp, direct cuts

  • Cross-fades

  • Zoom

  • Wipes...

Improving your transition

You've chosen your transition? Now it's time to make it as smooth as possible. It needs to have perfect timing. A transition that's too long looks like bad editing, but it can look too abrupt if it's too short. Try different lengths to get the right video bridge.

A transition that lags behind the soundtrack spoils the content. Synchronize the transition with the music for a catchier video.

🎞️ How can I make my videos more attractive?

AI tools like Subfast add a touch of originality to your content. It makes your videos more captivating in just a few clicks. With Subfast you can add special effects, emojis, background music... It also has an automatic translation feature.

You can then share your creation on Instagram once you've finished editing. Add hashtags in the captions to increase the audience.

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